NV Energy offers cost efficient Renewable energy in Nevada

NV Energy set  to add upto 330- MWs of renewable energy projects in Nevada to cater to customers in Nevada comprising of  battery energy storage systems thereby  electrifying Nevada homes through carbon- free measures. An estimate of 200,000  homes are claimed to be powered in the process.

NV Energy’s President and Chief Executive Officer Paul Caudill said “As important as this opportunity is to further the state’s desire for clean energy, equally important is that we expect to deliver these renewable projects to customers without increasing rates.”

The proposal seeks to incorporate solar, geothermal, biomass, wind and biogas technology projects adhering to Nevada’s present renewable portfolio standards. NV Energy welcomes incorporating additional adjunct battery energy storage systems amalgamating with renewable energy resource. Projects will ensure quality value to its customers along with galore economic opportunities.

Image Source: NV Energy

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